Photo by Gui Bailey
Alê Prade is a visual artist, composer, sound designer, pianist, guitarist and poet based in London.
Alongside his solo projects, he works as a producer, creating music and sound design for film, producing documentaries and he takes part of F.L.A.M.E Duo and Rhizome Duo.
Highlights the participation in the selected group of students of the conductor, composer and musicologist H.J.Koellreutter, from whom he learned composition, orchestration, aesthetics, counterpoint history and phenomenological analises.
At the same time started his researches in music technology, sound synthesis, computer assisted compositions, MIDI and sound engineering what led him naturally to the universe of electroacoustic music to which he remains dedicated to this day.
In the Arts, began in 1982 the production of his own black ink drawings ,water color, engraving and few years later worked as an illustrator. Since the beginning of his painting practices Alê Prade aimed to offer to the public a way to access and creatively transform his works. The artist's paintings are based in what he calls Thematic Flow, where each and every trace of intention or meaning only happens afterwards, at the inter-relationship with the observer. The artworks present themselves as multiple and diffuse focuses whereby the intimate universes of artist and audience are mixed.
After a period of research he finally found in 2007 the ideal way to bring to the audience his proposal of interactivity and co-authorship within the universe of painting already so relativized but that continues to instigate him.
The technique he developed was called “Movable Magnetic Painting”.
It consists of magnetic sheet artwork fragments arranged on magnetized supports (canvases or metal sheets) which can present different shapes and sizes, as well as, free mobility.
These structures, in addition to enabling different forms of fixation, such as, for example, directly on magnetized walls or on other supports (with the character of installation or sculpture), also provided the desired possibility of creative interference.
The idea is to establish a continuous flow, merging different perspectives in the territory of Symbolic Exchange and Pre-understanding, full of potential and plurality.
In 2008 he had the privilege to receive a special prize at SNBA - Musée du Louvre and since then I didn’t stop to produce this works among other projects including Mixed Media Painting, Acrylic Glass Painting, Painting on paper, Urban Art Giclèe Prints, Photography and Lighting Art.
2008 - Special Prize - “Salon SNBA”-Societè Nationale des Beaux-Arts - Carrousel du Louvre - Museu do Louvre - Paris
2008 - Silver Medal - “Index-Dubai” Art and Design Internacional Fair- Dubai
2009 - Golden Medal (public choice) - “Artexpos -New York” Internacional Art Fair
2009 - Golden Medal - “Salão do Centenário” - Sociedade Brasileira de Belas Artes- Rio de Janeiro
Member of the Société Académique “ARTS-SCIENCES-LETTRES” - Paris.
2012 – “A costura na obra de Alê Prade” – Catalog and critique by Miriam de Carvalho – Ed. Letras Contemporâneas